I was sitting with a colleague who confided in me about an argument she had with a friend a few weeks ago. She admitted that, in hindsight, the argument seemed foolish , but she was still angry because her friend hadn’t apologized; which was the real reason why the anger still lingered. So the wellness coach in me asked “So what is this anger doing for you?”


All of us at one time or another have been in this space of feeling angry and not being able to let it go. As I embarked on my own journey it was this question that forced me to pause and look beneath the surface. In some instances anger felt powerful, like a shield of badass! However, it also left me feeling isolated, less connected to my self, and often out of control. So I started to sit with the anger, talk to it, recognize the triggers, and all of the ugliness in which it stemmed from.


So when you ask yourself, “What is this anger doing for me?” you start to see the role it’s playing in your life. Is it giving you clarity? Is it clouding your judgment? Is it helping you set boundaries? Or is it just feeding more resentment? Sit with these questions and answering them truthfully could be the first step toward internal healing, or at best a peace of mind…Lets talk about it.🧘🏾‍♀️☮️🪴☀️